
13-14-15 Little Luxuries

I am using this post for days 13, 14, and 15. Not only because my camera has still been broken but because for 3 days this has been what has been happening. Earlier this week our city had a major water line bust. 75% of the city didn't have running water. The citizens that were able to get water were under a boil advisory or was told not to use the water. Was this inconvenient? Yes! However, we are a country that is blessed to have clean water flowing through our faucets. We are a country that has indoor plumbing and the luxury of washing our hands, our bodies, in clean water. So yes, this week has been trying when it came to needing to brush my teeth. But this week has reminded me that often the little luxuries in life are overlooked and taken for granted.


  1. WOW, What a moving post! This is very true and we dont even realize it. Great work!

  2. love the sign :) lol, We have a lot to be thankful for! hopefully it will continue to stay that way.(not the water, ha ha......freedom).

  3. That is so true. You don't miss the water until the well runs dry (pardon the pun) :)

  4. Thank you all for the kind words! :) I appreciate your posts!
