
8. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

This picture isn't a new one. It is a new to me one. This is a picture of my mom in June 2010. She and my step-dad took the girls to the aquarium. She had just gotten news that there was nothing more they could do for her cancer. We quickly made a trip to Georgia to see her and spend time with her while my husband was home on R&R. After he left to go back, the girls and I moved to GA where we lived with them until her passing in November. When I see this picture I have both a happy and a sad memory. I am sad because I remember this being a time when there wasn't much more they could do. She fought so hard and traveled to different doctors to get other options. I am happy though because she was healthy enough at this time to take her grandbabies to the aquarium. She was so excited to see them and spend time with them. I wish I had more time with her.

1 comment:

  1. She sounds like an amazing woman! I am happy you have this photo to treasure the good times!
