
24. We walk by faith, not by sight.

The picture above could be perceived to be anything. Last Monday, I flew into my hometown for my grandfather's funeral. While in the air, I was taking various pictures. While I was looking around, I saw a rainbow in the shape of a circle. I thought maybe it was the glare off of the window. I moved around to see if I could still see it. Sure enough it was there! Looking further into it, I could see a bright figure in the center that was moving around like it was running or dancing. It was the most beaufitul thing I have seen in a long time! I don't know what some may have believed it was, but I choose to believe it was a glimpse into Heaven. 


  1. This is amazing!!!! I'm so glad you were able to capture this!

  2. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! What a blessing!

  3. Wow, that is amazing!!! I love it<3

  4. This is b.e.a.u.tiful!! I love your thoughts behind it as well...I agree...it could be a glimpse!

  5. Beautiful and to be able to capture it. I beleieve that it is a sign. A sign of what, I don't know but a sign nevertheless.
